General Anesthesia

General Anesthesia is administered with Sevoflourane inhalant. The patient will be completely unaware of any of the procedures being performed. The Anesthesiologist will use a mask that will cover the patient’s nose and mouth until the patient is relaxed enough to place an I.V. The patient will receive a saline drip throughout the entire procedure.

After the I.V. is started, an airway will be placed in the patient’s throat to maintain a safe level of oxygen flow. The patient’s level of sedation will be maintained with the Sevoflorane gas throughout the procedure. Shortly before the procedure is completed, the gas will be turned off and the airway removed prior to the patient regaining consciousness. The patient will then be placed in our recovery room with a nurse and family members to recover comfortably. The patient must not eat 12 hours prior and 3 hours after sedation.

This level of sedation will require an escort to take the patient home and monitor them for the remainder of the day. The patient must refrain from normal activity for the day. The patient will need to start off with a liquid diet and gradually introduce solid foods later on that day.